
LAtest release : Back when

Back When

A song about loving people, and missing them when they're gone. For most of my life I've believed that nearly everything ca be mended with effort and patience. Only in recent years have I come to understand it's not that simple. Still, there's hope - that when things can't be restored, there's a kind of peace in letting go.

Wordless, Vol.1 (2021)

While You Can

While You Can (2020)

Sweet Rush

Sweet Rush (2020)

With Us

With Us (2018)




Hello there! I’m a singer-songwriter from Colorado. I’ve been happily obsessed with music for as long as I can remember. Growing up around family who liked to sing in a cappella, I absorbed harmonies and the magic of the raw human voice. I play trumpet, I’m a sucker for live music of all varieties, vintage & hi-fi audiophile, living room dance parties and experimentation.

In 2018 I fell in love with the practice of music creation. My latest single, BACK WHEN (2022) is an honest little sonic letter about the transient nature of modern life and relationships. WORDLESS, VOL. 1 (2021), contains instrumental versions of songs from my first EP, WITH US. WHILE YOU CAN (2020), processes the grief of unexpected loss. My acoustic single, SWEET RUSH (May 2020), is about the first signs of new life after loss. WITH US (2018), contains five electronic infused R&B tracks drawing lyrics and themes from excerpts of psalmic texts.




Follow me @vnemusic
